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Leaders Square

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When you think of leadership it is easy to think it is influencing those who you are responsible for. Have you ever thought you could influence those above you?

Have you thought about leading up?

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  • No

Leading up, also known as managing up, is important for leaders because it enables them to effectively navigate their interactions with higher-level management or executives within an organization. Here are several reasons why leading up is important for leaders:

1. Influence and Communication

Leading up allows leaders to influence and communicate effectively with their superiors. By understanding their manager's communication style, preferences, and priorities, leaders can tailor their messages and initiatives to better resonate with upper management.

2. Alignment of Goals and Priorities

When leaders lead up, they can ensure that their team's goals and priorities align with the broader strategic objectives of the organization. This alignment is crucial for overall organizational success.

3. Support for Team Initiatives

By effectively leading up, leaders can obtain the necessary support, resources, and buy-in from senior management for their team's initiatives and projects. This can help remove obstacles and ensure that the team has what it needs to succeed.

4. Building Trust and Rapport

Leading up allows leaders to build trust and rapport with their superiors. This can lead to a more positive working relationship, increased autonomy, and potentially more opportunities for advancement and leadership roles.

5. Managing Conflicting Priorities

In complex organizations, different departments and teams may have conflicting priorities. Leading up enables leaders to navigate these conflicts and work with their superiors to find mutually beneficial solutions.

6. Organizational Learning and Growth

When leaders lead up, they have the opportunity to learn from their superiors, understand the larger organizational dynamics, and gain insights into decision-making processes. This can contribute to their own professional growth and development.

7. Enhancing Organizational Performance

Ultimately, leading up can contribute to enhancing overall organizational performance. By effectively managing relationships with higher-level management, leaders can help drive positive change, innovation, and efficiency within the organization.

In conclusion, leading up is important for leaders because it allows them to navigate the complexities of the organizational hierarchy, align their efforts with broader strategic goals, build strong relationships with their superiors, and ultimately contribute to the success of their teams and the organization as a whole. Remember you are on the same team, so let’s serve others both up and down!

Alexandrew Seale
Manuel Segura
Alexandrew Seale
Alexandrew Seale
Dec 14, 2023

Though difficult and uncomfortable, leading up is a necessity to growth in our organizations. It helps keeps us in pursuit of what’s next



Leaders! This group is designed to be a commnity of individu...
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